GregHorrorShow Book Awards 2009

Being completely honest I don’t read as many books as I should, I would guess about 10 this year, so it’s been tough to put together as lengthy an award list as for the other media.

However, I’ve come up with a few categories and despite only having read one book in a couple of them, those books chosen are ones I would recommend.

As per usual this list is from what I’ve READ this year, not from what’s been released in the calendar year.

Links to reviews in the book titles where possible.

So here we go…



WINNER: My Word Is My Bond – Roger Moore

I’m not a James Bond fan but even I enjoyed this roguish journey through Roger Moore’s career. Moore’s easy listening style means it feels like an intimate evening with the great man, sitting round the fireplace as he tells tale after tale.


Wonderful Tonight – Patti Boyd



WINNER: World In Six Songs – Daniel Levitin

No runner up here as I’ve been lax on my factual reading this year but World In Six Songs is worthy of high praise nonetheless.

This book explores the link between music and civilisation – how music helped create the world we live in, dating right back to our earliest ancestors. If you’re interested in music then this is one to check out.



WINNER: Pride and Prejudice and Zombies – Seth Graeme-Smith

A really inventive novel that mixes Austen with Zombie mayhem, the universe created by Graeme-Smith (with help from Austen’s original) was fantastic to read through and thoroughly enjoyable.


World War Z – Max Brooks

The Big Sleep – Raymond Chandler



WINNER: Lizzy Bennet (Pride and Prejudice and Zombies – Seth Graeme-Smith)

It’s another award for Seth Graeme-Smith as his version of ‘Lizzy’ Bennet was a brilliant character to read through. With her underlying Austen personality in place, it was Graeme-Smith’s added ninja skills that brought her further to life.


Death (The Book Thief – Markus Zakai)

Alice Maxwell (Cell – Stephen King)



WINNER: World War Z – Max Brooks


2009 appears to have been the year of the Zombie as far as my reading habits have gone. Nipping a Seth Graeme-Smith clean sweep in the bud is Max Brooks, with his disturbingly realistic portrayal of how events may go down if there really was a Zombie outbreak. Should be read by everyone.


Pride and Prejudice and Zombies – Seth Graeme-Smith

The Book Thief – Markus Zukai



WINNER: ‘Cell’ by Stephen King

I read this in three days while on holiday, it completely hooked me. The beginning is one of the most finely crafted openings I’ve ever read. Sadly the latter parts of the book couldn’t maintain the standard, which is why it didn’t get any other nominations.


So there we go, that’s the first batch of awards handed out. More media (TV/Film and the big one… Games) to follow.

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Pride And Prejudice And Zombies by Seth Graeme-Smith and Jane Austen – Review (Book)


I’ve never really been one for the Jane Austen series of novels – the stories just never really seem to grab me.

However upon seeing this fantastic cover in the book store I was intrigued to see what Seth Graeme-Smith had done to a literary work held in such high esteem.

It is clear from the outset that Graeme-Smith has a lot of respect for the original work and that he is looking to make this re-imagining as fun as possible.

Having the Bennett sisters as highly trained ninja style defenders of the realm works and obviously leads to many a situation that never made it into the original novel.


That Graeme-Smith maintains the language of the original and manages to retain the sense that both Austen’s parts and the ‘Zombie Mayhem’ are all in the same style is quite a feat.

Some artistic licence has been used and the story doesn’t play out in exactly the same manner as the original but Pride And Prejudice And Zombies should be praised for being bold enough to mix, what you would think would be, two completely unsuitable themes.

Overall I would most certainly recommend the book to anyone, even if you’re not a fan of Jane Austen’s writing. I wasn’t aware of the story previous to reading this book so don’t let that hold you back either.

I suspect it won’t be long until someone puts together a film version.

Rating: 9/10

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