Deus Ex: Human Revolution – Review (PS3)

As someone who really enjoyed the original Deus Ex when it arrived on the PS2, I was pretty excited when a prequel for the PS3 was announced.

After watching numerous trailers and gameplay clips it became apparent that Eidos had worked hard to capture the feel of the previous titles.

One thing I will mention at the outset is that Deus Ex: Human Revolution takes it’s inspiration from an older time in gaming. This is a hard game. Limited ammo and some punishing AI can make for a frustrating experience, even on Normal. Especially at first if, like me, you end up running and gunning as you would in other FPS games.

Running and gunning is an option. It’s just a more risky strategy than taking the non confrontational approach.

But that in a nutshell is the beauty of Deus Ex. There is almost always a whole host of ways to approach situations – depending on what augmentations you choose.

Ok, let me back up a bit here – for those who don’t know, augmentations are cybernetic enhancements that the people of 2027 are choosing to have to improve their quality of life.

So people are choosing, for example, to have their hand removed and replaced with a ‘better’ cybernetic replacement. This has led to a political war on whether it’s morally right to perform these operations. The case for is not helped by recipients then having to take high cost drugs for the rest of their life so their body doesn’t reject the new part.

You play as Adam Jensen, who works security at Sarif Industries – a biotechnology firm specialising in human cybernetic enhancement. Whilst preparing for Sarif’s appearance at the ‘National Science Board’ the building is attacked by augmented mercenaries and while trying to protect his scientist girlfriend, Adam is severely injured.

Patched up using new cybernetic augmentations that don’t require anti-rejection drugs, Adam returns to action 6 months later with Megan and several other colleagues having died in the attack.

You are tasked with looking into who was behind the attack and sent to sort out a hostage situation at one of Sarif’s indutrial plants.

And from there your horizon broadens dramatically with a whole host of choices (and consequences) that will keep you entertained for hours.

Deus Ex is a fairly long game and one I’d recommend sticking with. As I mentioned before, the beginning of the game can seem unnaturally punishing but it’s just that Deus Ex can’t effectively be played the way you might normally approach a shooter.

One thing I would suggest is to level up Hacking when you can. I’m loathe to influence anyone’s decisions for the game but I hit several blocks where I just wished I could’ve had an easier time hacking certain objects.

The story is good and there are a selection of endings (4 I think?) depending on your actions throughout the course of the game.

Deus Ex is something I’d recommend to people looking for something different and wanting a challenge. Eidos certainly did a great job – this *isn’t* just another shooter, so if that’s what your looking for your time will be wasted here.

Rating: 8/10

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